In some case a work-related injury results in permanent disability. Now, in addition to dealing with your workers’ compensation claim, the permanently injured client is facing the complex process of filing a social security disability claim.
At Iorio Law in Greensboro, we advocate for clients who have been seriously injured in a variety of accidents. We are dedicated to helping hard-working North Carolina residents facing a large bureaucracy.
You need a champion to even the odds against you when you file for Social Security Disability benefits. The process is complicated and oftentimes discouraging. John S. Iorio can help. Contact us at 336-275-8234.
Chances are that when you file for Social Security Disability Benefits following a work related accident, that application and subsequent benefits will be denied. Those who do not have the help of an experienced and dedicated attorney often give up, believing that the final verdict has been rendered.
We want you to know that the decision is anything but final.
From the filing of the application to the final decision, including appeals, we will advocate for you as you face that complex bureaucracy. If you have worked five years in the last ten then you have paid into the system which fully insures you for Social Security disability benefits. If you have been seriously injured and the damages you suffered limit or prevent you from working you are entitled to SSD benefits. We provide assistance to help you secure the compensation you deserve.
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